Thursday 30 April 2009

Asian religions


Is an oriental religion and philosophy stemming from teachings of the Buddha (India, VIth century avenue JC). The Buddhism, was bron from a reform of the Vedaism, developed in India and from the IIIth century before JC extended in all Asia.
At the beginning, the Buddhism is rather a philosophy which looks for a solution of the problem of the existence within the universe and a wisdom, an ethics passing by the renunciation and the research for salute. Its purpose is to go out of the cycle of reincarnations undergone by the man because of its ignorance and the weight of its acts. With the abolition of the desire tempter and by receiving the perfect illumination, we can reach the Nirvana (total delivery and the absolute truth) and eventually become Buddha (" the awakening ", state of holiness).
For the Buddhism, there is neither eternal soul, nor God, nor creative gods. The absence of divinity is not a postulate, but the consequence of the principle of the packaged production: " nothing is without cause and nothing is its own cause ". The Buddhism can be thus considered, of this point of view, as an atheistic philosophy.
The forms the most known for the Buddhism are:
  • The way of the anciens (theravâda or " small vehicle ") essentially in India. This shape of the Buddhism considers that only the monks can reach(affect) the salute.
  • The reform mahâyâna (" big vehicle "), especially in China, in Korea and in Japan, for which each can reach the salute by its merits. This Buddhism developed thanks to its syncretism with the pre-existent cults.
  • The Lamaism (vajrayâna or " vehicle of diamond " or still Tantrism) which developed in the Tibet and in Mongolia and for which the salute can be reached by the esoteric study.

The rest of the article will come...

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