Tuesday 28 April 2009

The tradional asian sports and westerners

During these last decades, the customs of the Westerners in leisure activities, in sport and in physical exercise considerably changed. There are only around thirty years, sit down on the ground crossed legs, to meditate or to make slow movements by concentrating were practices to which devoted certain hippies and the other nonconformist eccentrics. Nevertheless today, this kind of not very traditional activity spreads within the superior and middle classes of the society.

Indeed, we can speak about few traditional activity about the T'ai chi and about the Chi Chong. On the contrary, in Far East, in China for example, slow movements and meditation in a park are considered as activities more than traditional; whereas in these same cultures, to move quickly in the sound of the disco, to take its pulse or to run around the block to make of the exercise appear to be very strange customs.

However time(weather) change. The Westerners became more tolerant and more opened to the practices of the east, and also, the oriental welcome better today the western traditions. Both have their benefactions.

By practising the T'ai chi or the other internal martial arts, you can recover a health and to find a new physical balance which seems to miss us, to us, put under stress and pressing Westerners, and this for several reasons:

- Instead of going always faster and thrashing about to you always of more, you will find means to go more slowly. A welcome slowing down in the life of numerous Westerners overbooked.

- You can seize the main part of another culture and its traditions (which seem to please more and more) and widen so your own horizons.
- You can look to your body of advantage of strength and balance, there where most of the other types of physical activity would not allow it you as well.

- Your spirit will begin to understand(include) how to be with itself and with its own thoughts. Welcome the serenity!

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